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Bottle Drop Now Open In Newport

Writer: Kiera MorganKiera Morgan

BottleDrop will open its first coastal location in Newport, Oregon on December 11, 2018, bringing convenient access to bottle returns in a spacious, fully staffed, indoor facility. The new center will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC) will operate the new center, located at 158 E. Olive Street, in partnership with eight participating area grocery retailers.

There are three convenient ways to redeem Oregon deposit containers:

 BottleDrop Account:  Pre-labeled bags can be filled with deposit containers at home and dropped off during extended hours. Redemption center staff will count and sort the containers. The funds will be credited to a BottleDrop card that can be cashed at participating grocery store kiosks or any BottleDrop location.Self-Serve:  Automated machines will accept up to 350 containers per person, per day.Hand Count: BottleDrop staff will count up to 50 containers per person per day.

“You really have to experience one of our clean, spacious redemption centers to appreciate this whole new level of returning bottles and cans,” says John Andersen, President of OBRC.  “We are excited for Newport residents to see how fast and convenient collecting your refund can be.”

The Newport Redemption Center joins 24 other successful BottleDrop Centers around the state, encouraging even more people to participate in Oregon’s iconic bottle deposit and return program. New BottleDrop centers are in high demand and have increased redemption in local areas.

The grocery stores listed below will no longer be required to accept deposit containers after Dec 26, 2018.

Retailer Participation

Fred Meyer: 150 NE 20th StreetJC Market: 107 N Coast HwyRite Aid: 2336 N Coast HwySafeway: 2220 N Coast HwyWalmart: 160 NW 25th StreetGrocery Outlet: 721 N Coast HwyCash & Carry: 156 NE 7th StreetWalgreens: 27 S Coast Hwy

The Oregon legislature approved the rollout of BottleDrop redemption centers in 2013 after the success of three pilot facilities in Wood Village, Oregon City, and Salem. BottleDrop continues to expand clean and convenient access to bottle returns statewide with more locations coming in 2019.

OBRC is a member-owned, cooperative corporation that acts on behalf of beverage distributors to administer Oregon’s bottle deposit and return program; collecting and processing nearly all containers sold and redeemed in Oregon. OBRC counts, sorts, crushes, bales, and recycles nearly 2 billion containers each year. The entire process is funded and managed by the beverage and grocery industries­­ –– at no cost to taxpayers

Information and photo provided by OBRC



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