In early 2019, Lincoln County Public Health held listening sessions and distributed a survey throughout the county. We wanted to learn what our community saw as health priorities. This information will help us create our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a community-led document that will guide the work of the health department and community partners for the next five years.
From this process, we learned a lot about what is impacting the health of Lincoln County
residents. The following three priorities emerged:
Healthy Lifestyles: this priority focuses on nutrition/food access, physical activity,
smoking, and people’s ability to achieve a healthy lifestyle that works for them.
Mental Health Promotion and Community Resilience: this priority focuses on
our communities’ ability to encourage good mental health and support people
experiencing poor mental health.
Substance Abuse Prevention: this priority focuses on the prevention of
substance misuse and abuse, as well as support for people living with substance
use disorders.
We are excited to focus our work on these priority areas. As a next step in the process,
we will be forming community workgroups for each priority area. These groups will:
Identify opportunities to improve health
Select goals, strategies, and activities to guide this work
Support the work by meeting regularly to share knowledge, align activities, and
overcome challenges.
Anyone who lives, works, or learns in Lincoln County is welcome to participate in these
workgroups. If you are interested in getting involved, please fill out this short online survey
by Friday, August 9th: If you have any questions, please contact Faire Holliday at