On November 7, the Newport City Council held a ribbon cutting ceremony at the
Newport City Hall for one of two recently installed electric vehicle charging stations. In
addition to the charging station at the Newport City Hall, another has been installed at the
Ernest Bloch Wayside. The new Blink level 2, dual port chargers are available to the public
at market rates. The city thanks the Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce for assisting with
branding and the bridge illustrations on the pedestals of both chargers. This artistic
element is a plus to this important electric highway infrastructure.
Funding to install the chargers was provided by the Newport Urban Renewal
Agency. The Agency is also collaborating with the Oregon Coast Aquarium to bring
additional electric vehicle chargers online for visitors/guests to use in the coming months.
Questions regarding these electric vehicle charging stations may be directed to
Derrick Tokos, at 541.574.0626, or d.tokos@ewportoregon.gov.