During the Newport City Council meeting last week part of the consent calendar was a separation agreement between the city and the city attorney David Allen. He has been on paid administrative leave since December 17th. Allen signed the separation agreement on December 29th. With his signature, he agreed not to pursue any litigation against the city of Newport in exchange for receiving over $52,675 in severance pay and vacation time. Also as part of the agreement, the city agrees that Allen did not resign his employment and the city will tell the Oregon Employment Department that he was terminated without cause.
Allen has been a part of the Newport city government for many years as a city council member and was hired as the city attorney in 2020. John Fullmer the city's public information officer stated “We greatly appreciate his years of service to the city in multiple roles, and we are thankful for the impact he has had on the city.” Fullmer added the city is working on a request for proposals to find the next city attorney and in the meantime they are working with an interim law group until the process for fulfilling the city attorney position can be completed.