On June 26, 2024, at approximately 6:30pm, Tillamook Police Officers, (TPD) Tillamook County Sheriff’s Deputies (TCSO) and the Oregon State Troopers attempted to stop a white Toyota Tacoma in the parking lot of Fred Meyer in Tillamook. Officers had probable cause to arrest the suspect for previously eluding law enforcement over the last few days. During the traffic stop, the suspect shot multiple times at police . Tillamook County Sheriff's Office Deputies and Tillamook City Police Officers returned fire before the suspect fled in his vehicle and led Police approximate 5-mile pursuit southbound on highway 101.
Tillamook County Sheriff's Deputies were able to spike-strip the Tacoma, causing damage to its tires. The suspect identified as Joey De La Rosa Rodriguez of Damascus, pulled into a residential driveway south of Tillamook and was apprehended and taken into custody. When contacted he had what appeared to be a single gunshot wound to his arm. Pursuing officers provided medical care until the ambulance arrived. The suspect was transported to Tillamook Hospital, where he was treated for his injury and was then taken to the Tillamook County Jail.
No law enforcement members were injured during this incident. As this is an Officer Involved Shooting, involving TCSO and TPD, the Oregon State Police will be the lead investigating agency for this incident.
