The Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund has distributed $149,050 to 37 organizations as it continues its quarterly donations to nonprofit groups. The Siletz Tribe has made contributions through employment, monetary donations and cooperative measures to the Siletz community, Lincoln County and the state of Oregon. The seven-member charitable fund advisory board has distributed more than $15.6 million since its inception in 2001.
Overall, the Tribe has honored its tradition of sharing within the community by distributing more than $20 million through the charitable fund and other Tribal resources. Chinook Winds has donated more than $6.5 million in cash and fund-raising items since it opened in 1995. The casino also provides in-kind donations of convention space for various fund-raisers as well as technical support, advertising and manpower for many events.
The next deadline to submit applications is June 1, 2022. Eligibility for money from the
charitable fund is limited to two categories: Entities and activities located in the Siletz Tribe’s 11-county service area (Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties) Native American entities and activities located anywhere in the United States
Applications and requirements can be obtained at ctsi.nsn.us/charitable-contribution-fund; by
calling 800-922-1399, ext. 1227, or 541-444-8227; or by mailing Siletz Tribal Charitable
Contribution Fund, P.O. Box 549, Siletz, OR 97380-0549. Applications can be submitted via
e-mail at stccf@live.com.
Distribution of $149,050
The Arts – $7,000
Linn-Benton Community College Foundation – matching funds for installation of outdoor public art at new LBCC Benton Center; Corvallis, OR; $2,000
Salem Art Association – wages, bus passes and lunches for youth workers distributing art
supplies to 1,250 children; Salem, OR; $5,000
Cultural Activities – $11,000
Many Nations Culture Club – buffalo, salmon, other food and supplies for July pow-wow for
adults in custody and guests; Salem, OR; $1,000
Native American Youth & Family Center – gardening, arts, culture, cooking, canning and
Wellbriety activities and supplies; Portland, OR; $5,000
PSU Native American Student & Community Center – blankets for Honor Day Blanket
Ceremony for PSU American Indian, Alaskan Native and Pacific Islander graduates;
Portland, OR; $5,000
Education – $15,600
Halsey City Library – install ductless heat pump in library building; Halsey, OR; $2,000
Lebanon School District Welcome Center – clothing, coats, food, hygiene items, school supplies and gas cards to help homeless students and families; Lebanon, OR; $4,000
Native American Rights Fund – sponsor American Indian law clerk positions for summer 2022;
Boulder, CO; $9,600
Environment & Natural Resource Preservation – $4,100
Nez Perce Tribe, Wildlife Division – non-lead ammunition to be distributed to Nimiipuu hunters
to limit impact of lead in condor recovery areas and subsistence game; Boise, ID; $4,100
Gambling Addiction - $5,000
Oregon Council on Problem Gambling – promote unbiased research and learning to address
problem gambling and gambling addiction; Portland, OR; $5,000
Health – $22,200
Albany Gleaners – food for weekly distribution program; Albany, OR; $2,000
Altrusa International of Albany – shelf-stable foods and proteins for homeless patient backpacks upon release from acute hospitalization; Albany, OR; $2,000
Bright Horizons Therapeutic Riding Center – tuition scholarships for equine-assisted activities and therapy services; Siletz, OR; $5,000
Kindness Closet of Salem – food to help homeless persons; Salem, OR; $2,000
Mountain Gospel Fellowship – fuel costs for volunteers transporting fresh produce weekly from Marion/Polk Food Share to church distribution site; Falls City, OR; $700
Our Savior Lutheran Church – install 3-bay sink and hand-wash sink to meet health and safety
guidelines to serve hot meals to those in need; Waldport, OR; $5,000
Philomath Community Gleaners – food and food resources; Philomath, OR; $2,000
South Lane Mental Health – match secured resources for counseling services for low-income
Lantinx and Guatemalan people; Cottage Grove, OR; $3,500
Historical Preservation – $16,550
Adair Living History – upgrade interior electrical infrastructure of Camp Adair “east barracks”
Interpretive Center; Adair Village, OR; $5,000
Chetco Historical Memorial Committee – annual cost of landscape maintenance and water
usage to care for native plants and lawn at memorial site; Brookings, OR; $1,800
Toledo Cemetery Association – concrete blocks and materials for erosion control, parking and
safety barrier; Toledo, OR; $4,750
Willamette Grange #52 – asbestos abatement and disposal of kitchen flooring materials;
Corvallis, OR; $5,000
Other – $18,200
City of Amity – replace wood chip cushion in playground area of city park; Amity, OR; $3,500
Neighbors for Kids – paving, sealing and striping capital improvements of south parking lot;
Depoe Bay, OR; $7,000
Quilts from Caring Hands – fabric and batting filler for handmade quilts distributed to children in social services; Corvallis, OR; $2,000
Salem-Keizer Volcanoes Baseball – sponsor tickets for veterans and families to attend annual
July 4 Patriotic Tribute to Veterans at Volcanoes Stadium; Keizer, OR; $1,200
Tillamook Early Learning Center – match secured funds/sponsor 5K Color Fun Run fundraising event; Tillamook, OR; $4,500
Prevention – $34,500
Assistance League of Salem-Keizer – clothing, coats and shoes to support Operation School
Bell to help low-income students in Salem-Keizer schools and Chemawa Indian School;
Salem, OR; $5,000
B’nai B’rith Camp – capital construction of gymnasium/field house at Lincoln City-based camp;
Portland, OR; $12,500
Eddyville Charter School, Grad Night – support for alcohol- and drug-free graduation event; Toledo, OR; $500
For the Love of the Game Inc. – repair bleachers at Keizer Little League Park; Keizer, OR;
Philomath High School, Senior All-night Party Committee – support for alcohol- and drug-free
graduation event; Philomath, OR; $500
Sprague High School, Senior Graduation Party – support for alcohol- and drug-free graduation
event; Salem, OR; $500
Siletz, Eddyville Toledo Baseball & Softball Assoc. – helmets, bats, catchers’ gear, baseballs and softballs used by young athletes; Toledo, OR; $5,500
Willamette University Academy – cafeteria meal costs for 8 th -12 th grade participants of summer
camp academic and college experience programs; Salem, OR; $5,000
Public Safety – $14,900
East Lincoln County Emergency Responders – structural firefighting fatigues and turnout gear
bags; Toledo, OR; $8,600
Siletz Valley Fire District – match secured funds for remote-control water rescue Emergency
Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard; Siletz, OR; $6,300
