The Newport Chapter of Surfrider Foundation has announced plans to make supplies available at local surf shops for solo beach cleanups. The unprecedented amount of visitors to coastal natural areas and cutbacks in state and local parks budgets have led to an increase in trash on the beach. Along with this, restrictions on public gatherings due to COVID-19 mean that group cleanups usually led by Surfrider, SOLVE, and other organizations aren’t possible.
According to Briana Goodwin, Surfrider’s Oregon Field Manager, “We really wish we didn't have to make this request of you, but for those of you who truly love our coast, please plan on picking up trash when you go out. That means always carrying a pair of gloves and a bucket or bag. With trash cans overflowing and State Park's diminished budget, the best thing you can do is take the trash home and put it in your home trash can.”
To help in this effort, Newport Surfrider is teaming up with local surf shops to pass out supplies. On September 27th from 10:00 am until noon, tables will be set up outdoors at Ossie’s Surf Shop in Agate Beach and Pura Vida Surf Shop in Otter Rock to pass out trash bags and gloves for solo trash collection. A solo beach cleanup can be done by an individual or a household unit.
Participation in a solo cleanup event is voluntary and solely at a participant’s own risk, including risk associated with COVID-19. Individuals should only participate to the extent that they can comply with applicable federal, state, and local rules and restrictions.