The City of Toledo Fire Department inspected the Yaquina Hotel on January 14, 2022. Pursuant to its authority under Toledo Municipal Code and the City of Toledo Fire Department determined that the Yaquina Hotel is a dangerous building and cited numerous violations of the Oregon Fire Code. Violations of the Toledo Municipal Code (TMC) or failure to comply with any order issued under the code is a Class A infraction, punishable by a $ 1,000 fine per violation, per day.
The City of Toledo posted a notice of abatement to the owner of the Hotel Dustin Johnston, of Las Vegas ordering a 24-hour constant fire watch commencing immediately. The city has ordered that the city will staff the fire watch. During its inspection, the city determined that there was no one individual on site who was competent to maintain a 24-hour fire watch. The city will invoice the hotel for its costs pursuant to the abatement powers of the TCM. The city has also determined that the Yaquina Hotel is a “dangerous building”.
The inspection revealed several serious safely issues:
I. The entire building is in want of proper repairs and dilapidated. Evidence of poorly installed electrical wiring or equipment is apparent throughout the building, including but not limited to smoke detectors hanging off the ceiling, electrical work done without permits and electrical wiring hanging out of panel boxes, and because of these issues is especially liable to fire and which is so situated as to endanger other buildings, property, and human life;
2. Throughout the structure there is evidence of combustible material, rubbish, rags, waste, that is especially liable to cause fire or danger to the safety of such building, premises or to human life;
3. The structure is in a filthy and unsanitary condition, especially liable to cause the spread of contagious or infectious disease or diseases; There is evidence that the structure in such weak or weakened condition as noted by observed “bowing of south side of building” so as to endanger any person or property by reason of probability of partial or entire collapse.
A Public Hearing is scheduled for January 26th at 6:00 PM at the Toledo Fire Station. Remote attendance by zoom video conferencing is available. This hearing will determine whether the building will be closed or can be made safe. If the council so finds that the building is dangerous and in need of abatement the council may order the building made safe and prescribe what acts or things must be done to render the building safe. If the orders are not obeyed and the building rendered safe within the time specified by the order (being not less than five days), then the council may order the building removed or made safe at the expense of the owner of the property on which the building is situated.
To join the meeting electronically, you must join through the Zoom meeting platform