The Lincoln County Fair Board and Board of Commissioners are excited to announce more details for the 2025 Lincoln County Fair, with venues spanning north, south, east and central county. With redevelopment underway at the Lincoln County Commons, the Lincoln County Fair Board looked to alternative locations to present an exciting 2025 Fair that preserves
popular events while providing new opportunities for the community to participate. The
Fair Board will actively recruit vendors, live performers, and sponsors during the coming
weeks and months.
In cooperation with the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Chinook Winds Casino
Resort in Lincoln City will host live entertainment, the Open Class competition, the
Friday and Saturday NPRA Rodeo, Kids Zone, and camel rides. Some activities will still be held at the Commons as possible, namely, the 4-H exhibits and auction, as well as the annual “Seas the Day” dolphin drop fundraiser organized by the Rotary Club of Newport.
Also in the works is a pet parade on Thursday, July 3 in Waldport, with the exact time
and location still to be determined.
And on Independence Day – Friday, July 4 – the fun will move to Siletz with a river float
and community BBQ. Time and location for the float and BBQ will be announced soon.
Open Class Information: Online entry for Open Class begins May 1 and closes June 15. Those wishing to present walk-in entries can do so in Newport on June 28 and 29, and those entries will be transported to the Lincoln City venue. Walk-in entries in Lincoln City will occur on June 29.
To save time, online entry is strongly encouraged. By using online entry, exhibit tags will
be printed and waiting for entrants at intake. Entrants are also encouraged to use online
entry for any items they are even considering entering, as it takes only seconds to
remove an entry made online, if desired, while the walk-in manual entry process can
take several minutes per item. Volunteers will take pictures of perishable items, and when the appearance of a particular exhibit begins to deteriorate, the picture will replace the actual entry.
Entries received in Newport will be identified with a colored dot and will be returned to Newport for pickup. Exhibit release will occur from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 6 in both Newport and Lincoln City. Any exhibits not picked up at Chinook Winds by 2 p.m. will be brought to Newport, and exhibitors can make arrangements with the Fair Manager to pick up their items.
For questions, please contact Fair Manager Heather Tower at
heather.tower@oregonstate.edu or 541-648-6818.